Osmose Health:

A Smart Pill Container

With an advanced AI reminder system so you never forget to take your pills.

This is your opportunity to be one of the first people to get your hands on the world's first smart pill container.

Why Now?

The need for daily medication is on the rise...

55% of adults aged 18 to 79 used at least one prescription medication in the past month in Canada. Osmose Health wants to help you manage your pharmaceuticals and offer health tips and natural remedy solutions in hopes of eliminating the need for pharmaceuticals.

Who is this for?

Fitness Fanatics. Micro-dosers.
The Elderly & Caregivers.

We all make mistakes and taking pills or vitamins on time as prescribed is one of them. With Simple Simon by Osmose Health (your AI assistant) you will receive reminders on your phone and the device will light up when to take your pills. The days of forgetting your pills will be long gone.

Micro-dosing Psychedelics and Edibles

Leading research has indicated that micro-dosing psychedelics can treat a wide range of conditions such as PTSD, stroke, chronic pain as well as depression. Our smart pill container can help you stay on track.
Consumption of edibles has skyrocketed and there is a major gap in education of these substances. Simple Simon aims to bridge that gap by education and creating personal schedules for safe and enjoyable experiences.

How it works!

Sustainable packaging

Save the Planet.
Save Lives

We will be using hemp to build our smart pill containers, removing more micro-plastics from our planet.

There is an estimated 14 million tonnes of micro plastics on the sea floor. Each pill container we sell will help the environment.

Pre-order Today!

Stop forgetting to take your pills and be one of the first people to get your hands on the world's first smart pill container.

Meet our Founder

RANDY Spencer


A retired 2x Grey Cup Champion. After I suffered a heart attack a couple years ago, I found myself in unfamiliar territory, and started searching for devices to help me with my new daily pill taking regimen. That is when the idea came to me to build a smart pill container that would help me stay on track with taking my medications.